Sunday, January 3, 2010

Auntie Marsala

I have been adopted by Mrs Poona, she comes from Durban, has one leg, can speak Zulu, Hindi and English, has an endless repertoire of blue jokes and can cook curries like you wouldn't believe!

In exchange for pushing her around the neighbourhood I have become her kitchen apprentice. So far we have made enough marsala cooking paste to feed Mumbai (the recipe started with a kilo of dried chillis - and she wanted me to taste for saltiness ...) and my first attempt at dokra (steamed corn bread) was a huge success.

Mrs P has been the sole instrument for my vacation weight gain - every meal under her supervision was a huge event. She churned out mountains of braised cabbage, fish marsala and these delicious kebaby cabbage rolls called muthiya.

It's going to be hard to go back to tuna and cottage cheese..

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