Thursday, May 27, 2010

Battle of the Backpacks

There were almost tears on Monday night as I ruthlessly repacked Bin's bag ... battles were fought and lost over huge doona sized cardigans and enormous puffy jackets ... but on a repack she proudly announced she got it down to 11 kgs ... this amazing feat received a champagne toast UNTIL she mentioned she hadn't actually packed her toiletries yet .. I gave her one diamantee as a reward which she has tastefully decorated her hiking boot with .. I may live to regret it ...
Funniest moment was her look of absolute disbelief when she realised what she thought was my daypack was my actual backpack ... years of lugging that extra pair of shoes "just in case" has reduced my packing to miserly levels ...


  1. What lovely and yet tasteful boots...

  2. Ha Bin - ok so you blinged yr ugly boots - but don't think you can sneak the 7 cubic metres of cardigan back in ..

  3. how's you know it was my comment??? Could easily have been some other individual with good taste in footwear

  4. its going to be her excuse for how she gets you into the qantas lounge......
