Sunday, May 23, 2010

Packing, Training, Dead Woman’s Pass and George Gregan’s legs ….

Bin’s first pack didn’t go well, after minimising and vacuum-packing and getting down to basics she was SURE she was at her 15kgs max … but it weighed in at 26 kgs .. Her despondency was short lived - since my first pack came in at 7.5kgs she figured I have at least another 7.5 kgs of space left … wily business woman that she is ..

My training partner upped my sessions in anticipation of the Inca trek – although no-one knows how the altitude will affect you – it’s best to be as fit as possible. Particularly daunting is the second day – 20kms hike across DEAD WOMAN’S PASS, which, at 4200m is higher than any mountain Down Under. I’m afraid I will explode like a dead sea fish being raised to the surface…

So Tracy starts me on the innocuously named “Volume training” – which includes ridiculous numbers of squats – NINETY in one session - instantly reducing my legs to jelly and forcing me to wheel myself around on my office chair the next day.

Sian took this photo (yes - I have shorts on – they’re my pjs) – showing the result – these huge fat legs that frighten small dogs and could play forward for the Wallabies. Training has now stopped so by the time I am lazing around eating steaks in Buenos Aires they will deflate back to normal size. But at least I will hopefully make it across the Andes ….


  1. hello fiona, my name is larry, i am a llama, my cousin zaphod the zebra said to look out for you when you get to my hill top in Peru. You will know me by the lame hat i will be wearing!!

  2. BTW: Beware of children bearing baby llamas, who want you to hold it. It will cost you to get away if you take a photo!

  3. Wow, look at those amazing legs! - Kelly

  4. Sexy!

    For further training, I recommend one-legged wall squats. Standard wall squat (back against wall, legs at 90 degree angle) with feet and knees touching. Now, extend one foot straight out in front of you (bend at knee) and support yourself with the other leg. Switch legs every 10 seconds. Start at a minute (3 reps each leg).

  5. So it's a slow torturous Cossack dance??? You are NEVER to talk to my trainer - she doesn't need any more pain inflicting ideas ...

    Anybody know if she has gone yet?
    Where is she?
    Can I have a snow dome when you get back.
    Or a llama, even a rock will do, or maybe a um a scarf, or even a green rug hand woven from llama wool, preferably in green. Ta jason

  7. do llamas come in green..... other than mould green, that is....
